• Giới Thiệu Game
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  • Hướng Dẫn Mua Hàng

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Create the game of your dreams with the Easy Game Pack DLC for S2ENGINE HD!
The technological power of S2ENGINE HD plus the facilities and pre-made assets and logics offered by this product will let you to easily create beautiful games as you have never seen before!


This pack includes various add-ons at different levels:
  • C++ gamePack dll which contains completely new classes that simplifies game logic implementation.
  • Pre-made Assets including: GameMachines for player logic and game logic, menu, HUD, inventory, player character, weapons, items
  • Complete Game level demo (from game restart to player's dead)

  • Player Character game class that automatically manages inventory (items and weapon) and HUD.
  • Weapon class
  • Item class
  • Ammo class
  • Mission class

  • Pre-made first person game logic
  • Pre-made items are: health pack, light battery pack, Grenade, Key, Documents (the map to be inspected in demo game)
  • Pre-made weapons are: gun, M4, baseball mace
  • Pre-made Player can swim, drive cars, jump, crouch, use items and weapons.
  • Pre-made Player HUD can manage Weapons ammo, light battery and energy indicators
  • Pre-made Player can take and drop invetory items and weapons
  • Pre-made Player Inventory can also show the current mission and sub-missions
  • Pre-made Player owns an automatically switchable light

  • Player logic can be customized easily using GameMachine (without coding)
  • First and Third person games can be made
  • New weapons can be added
  • New items can be implemented/customized via GameMachine
  • Invetory Look is customizable via S2ENGINE GUI Editor and GameMachine Editor
Many other thing can be made using this DLC, the limit is only your imagination.


EasyGamePack DLC is provided with an online manual you can find at: http://www.s2powered.com/Docs/html/egp.html
We suggest to read it for understanding better how to use the pack.


Easy Game Pack is scheduled to be expanded and improved in the next future.
Next features will include:
  • Radar
  • Hit indicators on player HUD
  • Melee weapons damageable
  • Load and Save game data
02/07/2025 04:23:10 PM +07